Atlanta Black Cross

The Atlanta Black Cross is an organization that seeks to support those that are imprisoned and struggling for freedom and liberty on the inside. We directly communicate with as many prisoners as we can, and a large part of this communication is working together with them to find out what they need and how we can provide them with support.

In the past two years, Georgia prisoners have organized strikes that have spread to over six prisons.  They have held solidarity hunger strikes and some have even mounted revolts.  We’ve also witnessed an increasing number of political arrests in the past two years along with several heavily politicized trials that have led harsher penalties for those individuals. We’ve felt the effects of the political influence of private prison companies and the businesses that supply goods and services to government, prisons, and law enforcement agencies.

“We must organize our resources to support all political prisoners if we truly wish to be their allies, and we must give something more than lip service. Organizing against our common enemy, the legal and penal system, is both offensive and defensive. It is carried on by individuals, groups and among the communities. We must shed light on the atrocities and inhumanity of prisons, the righteousness of our struggle, and the necessity of their full participation and support. We must organize our communities to attack the prison system as a moral and social abomination, and we must fight to free all political prisoners.”

While we continue to struggle for total freedom, we are both encouraged and energized in our struggle knowing that there are those facing conditions far worse than ours who continue their fight.  With the memory of Troy Davis fresh on our minds,  and in defiance of the prisons that still lock up and execute people, the Atlanta Black Cross seeks to aid in the struggle for prison abolition and for a truly free society.

E-Mail can be received at: atlantablackcross[at]
Snail-mail can be received at:
Atlanta Black Cross C/O Little 5 Points Community Center (I.A.C)
1083 Austin Ave. N.E.

Atlanta, GA 30307